Frequently asked questions

Where does Jianna shoot?

What payment types are accepted?

Is a deposit required?

Will I get a confirmation after booking a shoot?

Can I reschedule?

When can I expect to get my photos?

Frequently asked questions

Where does Jianna shoot?

Jianna services the NYC area unless otherwise advertised.

What payment types are accepted?

Jianna accepts payment via Zelle, Apple Pay, and Venmo. Tips are appreciated but not required.

Is a deposit required?

A 25% deposit is required at the time of booking/invoicing with the remainder to be paid at close of appointment.

Will I get a confirmation after booking a shoot?

Invoices and contracts will be sent to scheduled clients within 48 hours after an appointment is scheduled via the booking website.

Can I reschedule?

Appointments must be rescheduled within 48 hours of your appointment to avoid paying a new deposit fee.

When can I expect to get my photos?

All photos will be delivered 6-8 business days following the appointment. Should that timeline change, the client will be notified.